OB3 Activity - Informal and Personal Learning

OB3 is designed to support independent and personal learning. Most creative, research or intellectual work requires gathering and organising information into topics, that you can easily access and share with others. On this page you’ll find and introduction and “how to” videos to help you get started with using OB3 for your own personal learning. You'll find that OB3 offers more autonomy than traditional learning management systems, and is particularly well suited for independent, lifelong, and self-directed styles of learning.

How to: Creating a media-rich document on a topic of your choice as part of your self directed learning

How to: Structuring and organising your documents using folders and documents: create directories, collections or glossaries in OB3

How to: Share your content with other people. Inviting others to contribute to your documents using OB3 co-writing or discussions.