Online Forums Reimagined.

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Are your distance online students feeling isolated and disengaged?

Is forum communication impededed by delays, lack of clarity, and absence of feedback?

OB3 brings course content and discussions in the same place.

Would you like to design free flowing interactions - between your learners and with you?

OB3 Authoring

OB3 speeds up the authoring of online lecture content. Within minutes, create a media-rich lecture document using familiar digital skills.

OB3 Collaboration

OB3 has been successfully used to enhance learner interaction and provide feedback while studying at a distance. Students create media-rich reports on their placement experiences in OB3.

OB3 Self-directed Learning

If you are struggling to keep your personal or informal learning resources organised, OB3 can help organise and curate them in a way that it is easy to find, review and share with other people.

We're here to help

Contact Us

Phone: +64 (0)3 4742102
Address: OceanBrowser Ltd (NZ)PO Box 2247Dunedin 9044New Zealand

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OB3 Fernmark page
OB3 Fernmark page
OB3 on Edugrowth association
OB3 Emerge Education